



Returning students will be required to update those immunizations that are outdated. 请联系学生健康服务@(504)520-7396,以确认您需要更新哪些免疫接种.

  • 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹(MMR): Two (2) doses of live vaccine required at least 28 days apart, 1st MMR dose must be given on or after the first birthday. If born prior to 1957, vaccine not required. Documentation of immunity by the serologic test is also acceptable.
  • Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Td, T-dap): One (1) dose of vaccine given within the past ten (10) years.  
  • Meningococcal Meningitis (Quadrivalent vaccine A, C, Y, W-135): One (1) dose required at 16 years of age 或以上.  这55年是不需要的.或以上.
  • Recommendation On Covid-19 Vaccines and Boosters 强烈建议所有人接种原辉瑞/Moderna或J&J vaccines and maintain current booster(s) against COVID-19 as they become available. Proof of COVID-19 vaccines and booster(s) may be attached. 路易斯安那州e世博esball大学保留恢复强制检测和接种疫苗的权利,以减轻COVID-19疫情的传播.

完成的说明 必需的免疫接种 & 护理同意书 Form

  • 除不在校内上课的在线学生外,所有个人都需要第1页.
  • Page 1 must be completed, and signed by the student’s physician/medical provider.
  • 只有国家计算机生成的以前疫苗的打印输出将被接受,没有医生签名. 没有例外!!!
  • Complete the top of the immunization form and attach the state generated printout.
  • 17岁或以下的学生必须由家长或法定监护人填写并签署第二页(照顾同意书).
  • Please have the required immunization form completed and submit 地中海+普氏. Failure to do so will result in your registration being delayed.



你可以联系你的儿科医生办公室,你的高中,你以前的大学等. and ask if they have your records. 

如果无法获取记录, 请安排再次接种疫苗或提供血清学结果显示免疫.

Health cleared means you have completed and submitted the 必需的免疫 Med+Proctor的文件.

例外: 就读于 在线课程 只有 are not required to meet immunization requirements.


新进入者, 已被路易斯安那州e世博esball大学录取的转学生或以前的归国学生, 在您满足免疫要求之前,会自动被置于“未健康检查等待”状态. 一旦你提交了“必需的免疫” Med+Proctor的文件 your health clearance hold will be released.

Once your documents have been received, you will receive a secure message through the 地中海+学监门户 表明你是顺从的.  If you are missing or need to update any of the required immunizations, 安全消息将表明您不符合要求,并将包含说明.  You can monitor your status on the portal.  Please allow 48 – 72 hours for processing.


  • 由卫生保健提供者签署的文件,注明疫苗名称和接种日期, OR
  • 一份你以前学校的免疫记录复印件,上面有学校抬头
  • lab results showing your immunity.
  • 国家计算机生成的以前疫苗的打印输出将被接受,而无需医生签名.

路易斯安那州法律 (R.S. 17:170 - Schools of Higher Learning) requires proof of dates of immunization against measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹, and tetanus-diphtheria for all first-time students born on or after January 1, 1957, and for reentering students (born on or after January 1, 1957) who have been out of school for one semester or longer. 为了满足控制疫苗可预防疾病的既定建议,现提出以下准则, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 美国公共卫生服务免疫做法咨询委员会, and the American 大学 Health Association (ACHA). 除了, 路易斯安那州目前的立法规定,2006年秋季学期及以后进入高等教育机构的学生必须接种脑膜炎疫苗.

是的, 麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, Rubella (MMR) vaccines are good for life, the Tetanus-Diphtheria (Td/Tdap) once every 10 years, Meningitis one (1) dose at age 16 years 或以上.

路易斯安那州要求任何在路易斯安那上学的人都要提交这份文件才能在路易斯安那上学. 如果你不能从你以前的学校或家庭医生那里获得一份副本,你将不得不重新参加一些和/或提供其他所需的免疫接种滴度. (麻疹、破伤风、脑膜炎)

You may obtain immunization records at any time. The fastest, easiest way is to log into the 病人门户,点击我的个人资料和免疫. 历史打印你自己的副本,或者如果免疫接种是通过Med+Proctor提交的,你可以登录你的账户 ( 并索要一份副本.

If you are unable to access the records online, you may visit Student Health Services in person or fax the 医疗释放表格 to Student Health Services @ (504)520-7962. All requests will be fulfilled within 72 hours.


在爆发的情况下: 任何有豁免记录的学生都将被要求离开学校,直到疫情结束或提交免疫证明.

对于因未接种疫苗而不能参加或完成课程的学生,学校不退还任何学杂费. 进一步, 获得豁免的学生必须释放并保护大学及其受托人免受伤害, 军官, 代理, 由大学所招致或维持的任何法律责任,而这些法律责任是由大学的考虑而产生的, 或者最终决定授予, 豁免请求.

注意: 要求住在路易斯安那州e世博esball大学主校区或任何卫星校区宿舍的学生必须在当天入住之前完成并提交所有必需的免疫接种.  没有例外

有医学禁忌症或宗教信仰的学生不能接种疫苗,必须提交一份完整的 Request for Medical/Nonmedical Immunization Exemption Form 地中海+普氏.

是的, 目前在大学注册的所有学生都有资格在学生健康服务诊所就诊,无论他们是否有自己的健康保险或学生健康保险计划.

No, all visits are confidential and are not part of your academic record. 只有在您签署了披露受保护健康信息的授权后,才能共享医疗记录中的信息.

如果学生被转介进行x光检查,则获得保险信息以提供给校外辅助提供者, 实验室, 等.


that accept most prescription plans.

是的, there is a fee charged for copies of medical records.  费用列在 Authorization for Release of Health 信息 form.  Payment information may be submitted along with the Authorization for Release of Health 信息 form or you may contact the Cashier's Office @ (504)520-5226 to submit payment.

学生 wishing to obtain a copy of their medical records must complete an Authorization for Release of Health 信息 form 并将填妥的表格传真至(504)520-7962或邮寄至:1 Drexel Drive, 箱36, New Orleans, La. 70125.

All medical records are considered confidential. If submitting a copy of your medical records to us, 请确保在文件的每一页上都写上你的学生证号码,这样你就可以邮寄了, 手交付, fax them to: Fax# (504)520-7962 or upload through the 病人门户.



Office of Student Health Services

St. 约瑟夫学术 & 卫生资源中心





P.O. 箱36
新奥尔良,LA 70125


Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 


1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Closed for Lunch